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Quarta G - Lingua e cultura Inglese | 2022-2023

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Programma svolto

Quarta G
Indirizzo di studio: 
Liceo Linguistico
Lingua e cultura Inglese
Programma svolto

da "LIterary journeys" di Cattaneo, De Flavis, Knipe - ed. Signorelli scuola

The Restorationand the last Stuarts; The Augustan Age: The rise of the novel

S.  Richardson -  Pamela - "Pamela Refuses Mr B.’s Advances" pag. 243

D. Defoe -  Robinson  Crusoe - Lettura e analisi estratti pag. 224, 225 "Robinson and Friday"

J. Swift - The Gulliver's travels - pag 238-239 "Beloved horses, hateful men" - "Gulliver and the Lilliputians"

J. Austen - Pride and Prejudice - Visione film in lingua originale "Pride and Prejudice" - "Hunting for a husband" pag. 352,3

E. Bronte -  Wuthering heights - Visione film in lingua originale "Wuthering Heights" - "I m Heathcliff"

M. Shelley - "Frankenstein" - "The creation of the monster" pag. 360

"The Scarlet Letter" - lettura e analisi brano estratto dal cap II

Romantic poetry: Vita degli autori, lettura e analisi dei brani poetici, contestualizzazione storico-sociale

W. Blake:The Lamb; The Tyger;The Chimney Sweaper

W. Wordsworth: Daffodils

S.T. Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

J. Keats: Ode on a Grecian urn.


da "Open World" di Cosgrove, Hobbs - Cambridge

6 - Closer to nature prepositions, relative clauses  The natural world
7 - What's in your food "wish" clauses, third and mixed conditionals Describing food
8 - Living made easy Direct and indirect objects Technology
9 - The great outdoors Future forms The weather
10 - To the limit Causatives Sport and leisure
11 - Fact or Fiction? Reported speech The media
12 - Let's celebrate Expressing obligation, permission, ability Festivals and celebrations
13 - In fashion, on trend Like vs. asPast modals: shouldn’t have, didn’t have to, needn’t have, didn’t need to Going shopping


Attività e testi: 

 "LIterary journeys" di Cattaneo, De Flavis, Knipe - ed. Signorelli scuola

"Open World" di Cosgrove, Hobbs - Cambridge

Materiali forniti dall'insegnante

Data immodificabilità contenuto: 
08/06/2023 - 23:00
Data ultima modifica: 
30/05/2023 - 17:05