Quarta F - Inglese | 2022-2023

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Programma svolto

Quarta F
Indirizzo di studio: 
Liceo delle Scienze Umane (sez. economico sociale)
Invernizzi Anna
Programma svolto
Trimestre - Pentamestre

Dal testo " Literary Journeys" di Arturo Cattaneo Volume 1, Signorelli Scuola 

The Restoration and the 18th century:

The Augustan Age, The Rise of the Middle Class, The Rise of the novel

Daniel Defoe : early life,the novelist,the father of modern journalism, Robinson Crusoe con readings : My name is Robinson,Robinson's.

Jonathan Swift : life, the brilliant satirist,Gulliver's Travels. 


The Age of Revolution and the Romantics 

The American Revolution, the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution

Romantic Poetry and Romantic themes

William Blake: life, a revolutionary artist, Blake's style, Songs of Innocence and of Experience; The Chimney Sweeper (reading and analysis)

William Wordsworth: life, friendship with Coleridge, Lake District, The Lyrical Ballads, The Preface; the importance and the role of Nature; I Wandered lonely as a cloud (reading and analysis).

Samuel Taylor Coleridge: life, the demonic poems, Coleridge importance, The Rime of The Ancient Mariner; It is an Ancient Mariner, A Sadder and a Wiser Wiser Man, He Rose the Morrow Morn (reading and analysis).


Dal testo "Ultimate Invalsi"  di Karen Allright - Gillian Hammond - Caroline Henderson - Jonnel Licari, volume unico, ed. Liberty sono state affrontate tutte le parti dello Use of English e le reading e listening dalla unità 1 alla 6.

Attività e testi: 

" Literary Journeys " di A. Cattaneo, volume 1, Signorelli Scuola.

"Ultimate Invalsi" di Karen Allright - Gillian Hammond - Caroline Henderson - Jonnel Licari, volume unico, edizione Liberty.

Materiali tratti dalla rete e dai siti specializzati.


Data immodificabilità contenuto: 
08/06/2023 - 23:00
Data ultima modifica: 
06/06/2023 - 12:07