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Quinta C - Inglese | 2019-2020

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Quinta C
Indirizzo di studio: 
Liceo delle Scienze Umane
Anna Invernizzi
Programma svolto

Dal testo di letteratura sono stati trattati i capitoli The Victorian Age, The Age of AnxietyTowards a Global Age all'interno dei quali si è operata una scelta di autori e testi.

Sono state inoltre utilizzate fotocopie e power point tratti dai testi "Cakes and Ale"-ed. Signorelli Scuola e “Performer” –ed. Zanichelli

The Victorian Age

Early Victorian Age: Faith in Progress, An Age of Optimism and Contrasts.

Late Victorian Age: The Empire and Foreign Policy, The End of Optimism.

The Age of Fiction: Early Victorian Novelists, Late Victorian Novelists.


C.Dickens : life and Works: A Life Like a Novel, Major Works and Themes, Dickens' Plots, Dickens' Characters.

Oliver Twist: Plot, Poor Law and Workhouses, Victorian Morality and a Happy Ending; estratto: "I want some more”.

Hard Times: Plot, Utilitarianism; estratto: "Coketown"; approfondimento relativo al tema “Child Labour/Child Exploitation” dalla società pre-industriale ai giorni nostri.


C.Brontë: life and works; Jane Eyre’s plot, approfondimento relativo alla condizione femminile tra fine 800 e inizio 900; Women’s education; The Suffragettes.

Jane Eyre: estratto: "The Punishment”.


R.L.Stevenson: life and works; The Theme of the split self; the Narrative Technique; approfondimento relativo agli asylums

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: estratto: "The truth about Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde"


O.Wilde: Life and Works; Aestheticism and the Cult of Beauty; The Theme of Double, the Narrative Technique; a Satire of Victorian Manners and Values; The Comedy of Manners.

The Picture of Dorian Gray: estratti: "All art is quite useless" e "Dorian's death" 

The Importance of Being Ernest: estratto: "a Notable Interrogation”


The Age of Anxiety

Britain at the Turn of the Century; The Suffragettes; The Irish Question; The First World War; Between the Wars; The British Commonwealth of Nations; The Windsors; The Second World War and after.


The "War Poets" Brooke, Owen e Sasson: life and works; approfondimento rispetto al contesto storico e alla diversa reazione alla guerra

Brooke: “The Soldier”: patriotism and war

Owen: “Dulce et Decorum est”: a critique to the war

Sasson: “Suicide in the Trenches”: “no truth unfitting philosophy”


The Break with the 19th Century and the Outburst of Modernism; Modernist writers; The Stream of Consciousness: Thoughts Flowing into Words, W.James' Concept of Consciousness, Discovering Consciousness: Freud and Bergson, S. Freud, Freud and Literature. Approfondimento relativo a Freud e alla nascita della psicolanalisi.


J.Joyce: Life and Works, Joyce and Ireland: a complex relationship, The Structure of the Collection “The Dubliners”, Phisical and Spiritual Paralysis, A Way to Escape: Epiphany, The Narrative Technique

Dubliners: Eveline; The Dead. The concept of epiphany and Joyce's stream of consciousness.


V.Woolf: Life and Works, Mrs Dalloway: an experimental novel, the contrast between subjective and objective time

Mrs Dalloway: estratto: "Mrs Dalloway said she would buy the flowers”


G. Orwell: Life and Works, 1984: Plot, The Main Character, The Themes

1984: estratti: "Big Brother is Watching You", “Newspeak”, “The object of power is power


Data ultima modifica: 
05/06/2020 - 07:53
Data immodificabilità contenuto: 
29/05/2020 - 23:00